New Army of Darkness Ash Figure On Sale Oct. 30

A new, groovy era has begun at Zombie Sailor's Toys with our exciting collaboration with MGM Studios to create a range of premium collectible 4.5-inch-scale action figures, showcasing iconic characters from the cult classic film Army of Darkness (1993).

This collection launches this Wednesday, October 30 at 8 PM ET, beginning with devoted S-Mart housewares employee, Ash.

Having been transported through a time vortex to the Middle Ages of 1300 AD, Ash must command a fellowship of primitive screwheads to battle an army of undead body-possessing Deadite soldiers, led by an evil version of himself, in a quest to recover the mystical Necronomicon (Book of the Dead) and find his way back home.

Tell those ugly demonic spirits to "Come get some!" and help "The Promised One" complete his unparalleled journey!

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